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Ideas For Quality Time For Busy Parents

Many parents today struggle with the family/work balance.  If you are among them, you may have number of different issues tugging at your heart.   In today’s society, many mothers are fearful of putting their family first, especially in certain circumstances, in fear of losing their jobs.  With that in mind, there are many mothers who are fearful that their children will grow up resenting them due to the amount of time they spent focused on work.  Balancing the roles of being a mother and a career-oriented woman, all at the same time, may seem like an impossible task, it is a task that you can more than perform.  What you need to remember, although difficult as it may be, is that you should be a mom first.  However, that doesn’t mean that you should just toss your workload to the side and not care.  There are a number of different ways that you can go about being a good parent, while still brining home an income.  One of those ways involves spending quality time with your child or

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